world smallest phone in 2017/2018 is four times smaller than iphone
smartphone. That might still be too much for some who just need a small device for calling. Enter tiny t1 from UK-based Zanco, which is probably the smallest “dumb” phone no one thought they wanted until now.
Is it functional? Somewhat. It’s a feature phone so there’s not much to expect. It can make calls and even SMS. There’s enough room for 300 phone numbers and 50 text messages. Naturally, it works only with 2G networks and can only fit a tiny nano SIM.
But then again, you aren’t really going to get the Zanco tiny t1 for its usability. It will mostly be for novelty that happens to be also usable to some extent. And it seems that 708 backers do believe so as well. The tiny t1 has breezed through Kickstarter with plenty of time to spare and will ship May 2018. That is, if they tiny phones don’t get lost in transit.
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