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US considers banning laptops on all flights from Europe

The Department of Homeland Security is considering banning all carry-on laptops on flights from Europe to the United States. This rule change would represent an expansion of previous regulations banning carry-on laptops and tablets on flights from some Middle Eastern and African countries.

The Daily Beast first reported the new proposed ban, citing European security officials. DHS spokesperson David Lapan later clarified the department's position on Twitter with the following statement:

"No final decisions made on expanding the restriction on large electronic devices in aircraft cabins; however, it is under consideration. DHS continues to evaluate the threat environment and will make changes when necessary to keep air travelers safe."

The initial ban on carry-on laptops and tablets was apparently a response to renewed fears that someone would disguise a bomb as an iPad and manually detonate it mid-flight. The United Kingdom followed suit, implementing a similar, targeted ban on large electronics in airplane cabins. Of course, neither ban prevents these devices from being checked and transported in the baggage hold.

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