Finally! The Galaxy’s Most Mysterious Star Is Dipping
Tabby's star, otherwise known as the most mysterious star in the galaxy, is dipping drastically in brightness, giving astronomers an opportunity to figure out what has been causing this star's weird behavior.
Ever the Kepler space telescope captured a series of random-seeming dips from a certain mysterious star, astronomers and the public alike have been baffled by its behavior. Then, following the end of the main Kepler mission, the star went quiet. Now, at long last, the star has begun a steep decline in brightness — it’s already 2% dimmer after a single night of observation — and telescopes all over the world are at the ready!
What We Already Know About Tabby’s Star
What is now famously known as Tabby’s Star is a normal-looking F-class star in the field of the Kepler space telescope. Kepler’s mission was to monitor more than 150,000 stars, watching for the minute dips in brightness that would signal an exoplanet moving across the face of its parent star from Earth’s perspective. But in Tabby’s Star, Kepler — and the watchful eyes of citizen scientists involved in the Planet Hunters project — found something completely different.
Tabby’s Star was observed to dim 10 times, sometimes by 1% (typical of a giant exoplanet transit) and sometimes by 10% to 20% (not at all typical of exoplanet transits, or anything else for that matter), each dimming lasting days to weeks at a time. The dips were irregular both in terms of how long they were and when they occurred.
Things became even more complicated when a longer-term behavior was discovered: Tabby’s Star is fading away over the course of years, and perhaps even centuries.
Explanations for the star’s behavior ranged from the mundane (starspots) to the interesting (a comet breaking up around the star) to the sci-fi-inspired (a Dyson sphere syphoning the star’s energy for an alien civilization).
Eventually, various astronomers involved in the project, including Tabetha Boyajian (Louisiana State University) and Jason Wright (Penn State), seemed to settle on two main explanations: a circumstellar object of some sort, such as a giant comet in an elliptical orbit, or some dusty clump in the stuff between stars.
Notably, the comet scenario predicts a dimming event this very month. From Boyajian and colleagues’ paper, published in January 2016: “A more robust prediction is that future dimming events should occur roughly every 750 days, with one in 2015 April and another in 2017 May.” Read Benjamin Montet (University of Chicago) and Boyajian’s article in the June 2017 issue of Sky & Telescope for a full rundown of all the possible explanations.
There are clear ways to tell these scenarios apart, but those ways require spectra during the dips — and we don’t have that kind of data from Kepler. For example, if it’s dust, then the star will dim more at bluer wavelengths. A Dyson sphere, on the other hand, is presumably a solid object and so the star would dim the same at all wavelengths. Certain spectral fingerprints, such as those left from sodium or calcium, could also enable astronomers to learn more about the obstruction.
Infrared data will also be key, as any material close to the star ought to be hot — and therefore ought to show up as excess infrared radiation.
So Boyajian, Wright, and several others made their predictions and settled in for a wait: All they needed was for the star to stop pretending to be ordinary. And sure enough, Tabby’s Star dropped its act.
Tabby’s Star Dips
At 4 a.m. on May 19th, Boyajian called Wright: Fairborn Observatory in Arizona had issued an alert that Tabby’s star had dimmed by 3% — a big dip in the star’s brightness. The team immediately sent out the call for more observations.
ALERT:@tsboyajian's star is dipping
This is not a drill.
Astro tweeps on telescopes in the next 48 hours: spectra please!
— Jason Wright (@Astro_Wright) May 19, 2017
As soon as the sun sets around the world, astronomers will train their telescopes on Tabby’s Star — from the amateur astronomers involved in the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) to the spectroscopists at the Keck I and II telescopes in Hawai‘i. Additional spectroscopy will come from the MMT Observatory in Arizona. The Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGT), which was already regularly monitoring the star, has stepped up its observing cadence.
The Green Bank Observatory may get in on the action, too, to collect radio observations. Even space-based telescopes are slewing toward Tabby’s Star. While Spitzer can’t point in that direction of the sky, the Swift space telescope will be monitoring the star’s brightness at optical and ultraviolet wavelengths.
And this is far from an exhaustive list — many more telescopes will be participating in follow-up observations. That in itself is no small feat considering that telescopes are typically scheduled weeks in advance.
“This is the first time we’ve seen a clear dip since the Kepler mission, and also the first we’ve caught in real time,” says Wright. “The changes are as steep as we ever saw it change brightness with Kepler.”
“It’s going to be a busy couple of weeks.”
Watch a live stream from earlier today with Wright and SETI Director Andrew Siemion as they discuss the recent changes and incoming observations:
The post Finally! The Galaxy’s Most Mysterious Star Is Dipping appeared first on Sky & Telescope.
PUBLISHED; May 19, 2017 at 11:17AM
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